Let’s Play Police Quest 1 VGA Part 15: Good News, Bad News, Worse News

Possession Of Cocaine: Let’s Play Police Quest 1 VGA part 15: good news, bad news, worse news

I book the drug dealers and leave to tell Jack the good news. Unfortunately, he has some bad news. Then Keith comes in with even worse news. What a day! Laur…
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6 Responses to “Let’s Play Police Quest 1 VGA Part 15: Good News, Bad News, Worse News”

  • Si Siddy:

    Why isn’t Jack in hospital with his? daughter?

  • Si Siddy:

    The guy sitting at the bar in blue room with the white shirt doesn’t have a head? ><'

  • Jason Tolbert:

    Paul: Booking these two for possession of cocaine, eh Bobby? Guess thier Mom never told them not to stick stuff up their nose and the other one’s Mom? told him to never sell that stuff eh? get it Bobby?

  • Junafani:

    Maybe she just walked? back to the station?

  • ViceCommando:

    Sooo, wait, what?!?
    They put those criminals in the backseat of Beretta?!? Hahah! That big drug dealer is making the travel with his knees behind his ears! I? think in real life you would call a real patrol car rather than stuff those guys in a small coupe. 😀

  • b0b0maj0:

    Never understood why you can’t book them for trafficking, the major part of the game is? narcotics decretive and they only have possession code in the manual.