Lindsey Lohan – No Charges on Cocaine Possession

Possession Of Cocaine: Lindsey Lohan – No Charges on Cocaine Possession

Police in not charging Lindsey Lohan with cocaine possession. Possibility she might do some time. Watch the show at
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20 Responses to “Lindsey Lohan – No Charges on Cocaine Possession”


    blackwater can get away with murders of? innocent iraqi from all religion and can get away with it !!!!WELCOME TO USA


    leave lindasy alone?

  • whatsgoingon07:

    who was the judge in this? case? lets protest, who’s with me??

  • CorpsmanUP87:

    Let me define “Good Lawyer” for you (In my opinion, anyway): A slimeball who can manipulate the justice system? just because he plays golf with the judge. What I was getting at is that normal people like you and me would get locked up in prison no time flat while rich little tarts like her can indirectly bribe her way out of trouble. Lindsay Lohan’s is washed up, So there for I don’t think a SoCal Judge is going to be all that star struck about her.

  • CorpsmanUP87:

    Let me define “Good Lawyer” for you (In my opinion, anyway): A slimeball who can manipulate the justice system just because he plays golf with the judge. What I was getting at is that normal people like you and me would get locked up in prison no time flat while rich little tarts like her can indirectly bribe her way out of trouble. Lindsay Lohan’s is loosing is washed up, So there for I? don’t think a SoCal Judge is going to be all that star struck about her.

  • JordinaryDude:

    How do you argue yourself out of possessing it in the first place !??? It’s complete bullshit? – no matter how tireless and clever your lawyer could be. It’s sickening in my opinion. How can one be above the law because of social status ? Are we not all human ? Apparently not. I guess anyone without a decent amount of money is a poor, sub-human serf.

  • JordinaryDude:

    @jondoorc If it got that far,? that’s probably how it happened..

  • Maxpound:

    See this type of thing infuriates me because often times I get convicted of shit I dont even do because I’m a big black man. You wont believe the bullshit I go through because of the way I? look.

  • PumpkinIceCream:

    if she was a black girl who? was a celeb she would get arrested and jailed for at least a year

  • Ragitsu:


    Three things on her side ->

    1. Wealth
    2. Gender
    3. Skin color?

  • CorpsmanUP87:

    Lindsay didn’t get away with these charges because she’s a celeberty, she got away with? it because she’s rich enough to afford a good lawyer.

  • vwcseagle:

    pepsi not? coke! haha
    family guys funny

  • SweetKooshy:

    @jondoorc jesus..ur comment was 2 years ago. but? i’m sure with all the coke floating around in her brain she’d be EXCITED to have the honor of doing that lol.

  • wetdream09:

    she does so much coke, you? could tell when she got skinny ASAP. i knew it then!

  • ddsharper:

    The government’s goal however has been to dumb down the population for the past 30 years, yielding an emoting poor thinking ignorant of history populace that is driving many crazy. I don’t mind a good exchange but without the right tools it’s a waste of time. If you make statements? and someone draws a logical conclusion from those statements, you cannot fault them.

  • ddsharper:

    You are a racist based upon the comments you made. I’d suggest you look up the definition of racist in an online Merriam dictionary or a legal dictionary since actions arising from racist sentiment are illegal. The? points I’ve made to you at one time were taught in schools.

  • ddsharper:

    The key to making points that matter lie in avoiding fallacious argumentation, you can google that, and using facts to support your claims. Doing otherwise makes you appear to be a? racist. I will leave you with the name Tim Wise, who could do a better job of showing you how the world works than I can. He has plenty of youtube videos. Finally, saying “see how much u know” is sort of silly, considering that my conclusion was completely logical.

  • ddsharper:

    to not see it means one of two things. you are in denial or you simply don’t know. whichever it is, it’s not my problem. If you want to educate yourself, there are plenty of videos about abortion, eugenics, health care disparities, driving while black, walking while black, sentencing disparities, unarmed black men shot? by cops, etc.

  • ddsharper:

    when you wrote it so I conclude you didn’t know this. Next. If the black guy said he didn’t have to work hard, which I don’t believe, there is no law against that. That’s an individual statement and only a racist would impose that sentiment on all blacks, commonly done by white supremacists. next. blacks do have? it hard. it’s no secret, it’s not just my conclusion. statistics prove it, organizations fight it.

  • ddsharper:

    indians, east and american, so that’s what’s called? an non-sequitor. look it up. Next. Giving me a story about your father’s experience is called an anecdote and should never be used in an argument by a person attempting to engage in an intelligent exchange. Next. People have been fired for calling a black man a boy. It has historical connotations and the person who said it knew that. It’s almost equivalent to calling a black person nigger. You appeared to be flippant when you wrote