Mercedes Man Sentenced to 99 Years on Cocaine Possession – Your Houston News

Mercedes man sentenced to 99 years on cocaine possession – Your Houston News

Mercedes man sentenced to 99 years on cocaine possession
Your Houston News
… for a February 2013 arrest on possession charge. Officers from the Houston Police Department, the Montgomery County Sheriff's, and the Drug Enforcement Administration negotiated the delivery of 10 kilos of cocaine in a restaurant in Kingwood on Feb

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Possession of Cocaine – Google News


Oklahoma woman arrested for Cocaine possession –

Oklahoma woman arrested for Cocaine possession
EDWARDSVILLE, IL (KTVI) – A Wagoner, Oklahoma woman has been arrested and charged with unlawful possession of the control substance, cocaine. 26-year-old Shanita Mckellop was taken into custody on Saturday, March 29th by Madison County …
Woman charged with unlawful possessionAlton Telegraph

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Possession of Cocaine – Google News


Not guilty of cocaine possession – Malta Independent Online

Malta Independent Online

Not guilty of cocaine possession
Malta Independent Online
Christian Attard, 26 of Floriana, was found not guilty that on 28 September, 2008 he was in possession of cocaine, which was not for his personal use. The court said that prosecution did not manage to prove its case because the accused had only one

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Possession of Cocaine – Google News


Oklahoma State wrestler jailed on cocaine possession complaint following … – Tulsa World

Oklahoma State wrestler jailed on cocaine possession complaint following
Tulsa World
An Oklahoma State wrestler was jailed on complaints of possession of cocaine and public drunkenness the day his team placed third at the NCAA Wrestling Championships in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City police arrested Edward Klimara, 20, about 12:30 …

Possession of Cocaine – Google News


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