Possession of Cocaine: Has G.W. Bush Ever Admitted to Cocaine Use?
by marsmet471
Question by noxturnxonxred: has G.W. Bush ever admitted to cocaine use?
Alcohol is a drug. Ignorance is not becoming on anyone.
Best answer:
Answer by THEBurgerKing
He doesn’t do drugs don’t try to start rumors
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Related Possession Of Cocaine Information…
He has never denied it. Friends of his have said he used.
And ruin his image nope………he was a big druggy in college and didnt actually go to war….he’s daddy just buys people off for him…
I don’t believe he ever has, but then again a Fox news reporter did let this slip out. Something tells me shes not working for Fox anymore, lol.
He can’t remember if he did or not, maybe he better ask Dick Cheney his puppet master.
He has never admitted nor denied it. Sort of like Clay Aiken when asked if he’s gay or not.