Possession of Cocaine: I Got a DUI and Was in Possession :(?

Question by Mike Russia: I got a DUI and was in possession :(?
I got pulled over and got a DWI.
I had a small, empty bag of cocaine but there was residue.
We went to a mobile police unit where I breathalyzed and he said he tested the residue and it was “cocaine”.

Anyways, I got arrested for the DWI and went to jail. When I went in front of the judge I only had one offense: (1) DWI.

Is there a chance they will go back and screw me over? Or would he probably of just done it then? I’m guessing it wasn’t enough…but this has never happened before! 🙁
I would think if he knew it was cocaine he would have just charged me then…but maybe it wasn’t enough? Or he was just being nice?

please serious input only!

Best answer:

Answer by michelob86
Since the bag was empty, they’ll be investigating further. Don’t be surprised if they get a warrant for your house, place of business, etc.

What do you think? Answer below!

Possession Of Cocaine: R.I. legislator caught in East Haven DUI stop ‘absolutely and unequivocally’ denies using cocaine (video)
NEW HAVEN — Rhode Island state Rep. Robert Watson, in a frank exchange with Connecticut and Rhode Island media on a downtown sidewalk following an appearance in Superior Court, denied using cocaine “absolutely and unequivocally” and said “I intend a vigorous defense in this regard.”
Read more on New Haven Register

Possession Of Cocaine: Women charged in crime spree using elderly woman’s credit cards
A few days after they met at a detox center, two women were arrested together after police said they stole another woman’s purse and used her credit card to buy drills from Home Depot in Boynton Beach .
Read more on Sun-Sentinel

Possession Of Cocaine: Top film heroines high on cocaine..wmv

Top film heroines high on cocaine. Tollywood in Hyderabad is a vice den. If you had suspicions about this earlier then Hyderabad police commissioner AK Khan confirmed it on Friday [20-8-2010] in an open press conference. “There is widespread abuse of hard drugs in Tollywood. The lists of 65 cocaine users that we have include top film heroines, entrepreneurs and students from affluent families. Among the places drugs are sold are the premises of nine leading pubs in the city,” Khan told incredulous newspersons. “We are keeping a watch on them and if they don’t mend their ways, it is just a matter of time before we catch them red-handed,” he warned. Khan had called for the press conference after the arrest of the two brothers of film actor Ravi Teja and a Nigerian peddler on Thursday night. According to the commissioner, intelligence gathering had been stepped up following recent arrest of four cocaine supplying gangs and it was realised from their confessions that there are several cocaine peddlers in the city and a huge number of users. Khan said, “We have information about drug abuse at nine such places and once we collect evidence, the managers will be behind the bars and the establishments shut down.” Asked to name the pubs, he said “think of the names of the top ones and you will know the names”. “Not just supply of cocaine… spiking of drinks with certain drugs and tablets in certain pubs is very high which might prove dangerous for the female customers,” Khan said

Find More Possession Of Cocaine Information…

3 Responses to “Possession of Cocaine: I Got a DUI and Was in Possession :(?”

  • Keith:

    It’s very possible the officer charged you for the cocaine. However, the district attorney may have decided not to file for whatever reason. It is also possible that the district attorney is still trying to decide whether or not to file charges against you. You can always call the district attorney or your attorney if you have one and ask. By the way, it wouldn’t be screwing you over if they did file charges. You do the crime, etc…

  • Truth B:

    The charge will not come back to you. The baggie had residue. Not enough for a charge. You might be on a list of “persons of interest”. The police would have to make a case to charge you.

  • Lorette3831:

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