Question About Cocaine?

Question by Noel: Question about cocaine?
If someone who did their first line of cocaine about a month ago but hasn’t done it since (but only because they don’t have easy access to it) has been really wanting more and is getting more preoccupied with the thought of and desire for it, what would you say this means?

I just have to say that I don’t normally have an addictive personality, I rarely get addicted to anything (only real addiction I have is smoking).

Best answer:

Answer by HamsterandGerbil101
I’d say you can easily get addictive to things.
I’d also say, it’s GOOD you don’t have easy access to it, so don’t be a dumbass and try to find it.

Answer by mountaincedar
thats an addictive personality
soo dont do it anymore


2 Responses to “Question About Cocaine?”

  • mskavon:

    you have an addictive TRAIT. don’t go looking for it. you already know that it’s bad for you. don’t go down that road.

  • Minx:

    It means you need to find something else to fill that void Noel … something that will nourish your soul and spirit ….. don’t fill it with chemicaltoxicaddictive muck … as mundane as it sounds you should try sweating….. go for a run or swim at the beach …. do some gardening, bike riding, rollerblading, surfing …. get the serotonin pumping naturally through your brain….geez anything but that filthy muck cocaine… that stuff will rot you from the inside out ….. what a nasty way to go that would be …. i’d rather run the risk of getting my leg chewed off by a shark in the surf mate …. try meditation …. try this for me to relieve the brain chatter and shizz of wanting more of it so badly ~

    you need to relax …you need to find a space of peace away from the clatter and jangling incessant chat of the mind…. you need to lay down and close your eyes and focus on observing the thoughts you are having… you are more than your mind you know…… don’t “be” the thinker…. be the awareness behind the thinker and observe the stress and anxiety and drama your mind puts you through…… imaginate you are sitting on a white light cloud up above your head looking down on the stressy panic struck obsessed you and just pay attention… dont judge or analyse just observe…… by doing this you can disentangle yourself from the drama and panic the human mind can create for more than a few of us….. by doing this you will create a space around you of clarity and peace…. and out of that can come rational observations and decisions to forge ahead with your life ….. because you will be disidentifying with your thoughts ….. and that’s all they are… thoughts, words, learned responses and ideas…. and words can be changed… you are more than your mind….. don’t let your mind run the show….. the essence of you is in your heart and soul …..lay down and close your eyes and do it for 10 or 15 minutes and i assure you that you will find a slice of sanity and peace you’ll want more of.

    bless u