Re:Italy vs Northern Ireland 3-0 International Friendly (06.06.09)
Possession Of Cocaine: Re:Italy Vs Northern Ireland 3-0 International friendly (06.06.09)
Re:Italy Vs Northern Ireland 3-0 International friendly (06.06.09)
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That defence couldn’t hold the Italy forwards if they tied thier legs together.? WC 2002 was a disgrace to the beautiful sport. Forza ItalJuve
You’ll never see a world cup final? Korea. EVER!!!
The referee in Italy-southkorea was stopped for? possession of cocaine last month. This WC was a total ripoff!
Korea 2002? World Cup semi-finals thanks to a corrupt judge (Moreno) .2006 world champions Italy. 2010 world champion Spain.
corea 2002 Moreno referee sold .? Italy champions 2006,Spain champions 2010
I Fucking Dipise Chinks !!!?
wow….wouldnt dare do that against england or? they would get it back!!
uh also showed a goal that shouldn’t have been called off sides and a red card issued, it was a second yellow and the referee literally had to be fucking retarded to give him a card for ‘diving’ when he obviously was fouled. you are a biased? piece of korean shit. fuck you.
Im ecuadorian and i want the ref. byron moreno to die!!!! he is just a biatch! and u 2? f***ckin koreans, why do u take all the hope from a country who sacrificed to win the world cup, and also spain’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shut? up biatch
little fuckers. but the? biggest motherfucker was that ref. die biatch
all have? small penis
those pin-dicked dog? eaters cheated!! Italy and then Spain, both rigged
no one envys you…….. you all have small dicks?
That was sad..there is no question that those games? were’s politics and they wanted soccer to be popular in Asia…I saw a S. Korean boxer in the olympics get owned by an american.. he won the decision.. it was so bad that even the boxer was embarassed.
Questo รจ quello che si ottiene facendo giocare i mondiali? in un paese di merda come la korea …. moreno devi morire in croce con tua moglie che viene violentata da un cavallo
oh my God is it real game ? was the reffere blind or something the game looks? like kung fu more than football how many Italian player has been in Emergency hospital that night?
italia could of won this cup,but it was robbed of? its victory…andassene a fanculo
why does it say italy vs? northern ireland
if the italains stayed on their fuckin feet they probably would have won? lol
DAMN!!!!!! that? pisses me of!!!!!
wow wtf! i’m so pissed off right now just from watching the 1st half!!!! thoughes refs would have my foot in their ass’s if a was playing! nothing against koreans but damn sone of that was dirty!! in mexico and other south america thoughes refs would be fukin shot!? damn im pissed!!!
seriously wtf. the way u guys are saying things is that only the south korean soccer team commits hard fouls. every team plays dirty, you cant place it on one? country. i agree it seemed fixed even though i am south korean myself. south korea is still a decent team.