Sperm and Cocaine?

Question by lizzy m: sperm and cocaine?
I am pregnant and it is very likely that my bf was high or at least “influenced” by cocaine at conception. can that affect my baby? if you are guessing please say so and if you are a dr. or have read something let me know that as well as i’m sure negative answers will scare me and to know their validity would help. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Your boyfriend’s use of cocaine can very much affect the baby, but the point is not that he was using specifically at the time of conception, it’s that he had cocaine in his system at all. I’ll go find a link and post it. You need to let your ob know of your boyfriend’s drug use, by the way.

http://www.fasalaska.com/DadsBirthDefects.html this says:

Chemical Exposure and Other Substances

Can a male’s job affect his ability to reproduce? Studies have shown that it can. A male’s exposure to lead has been associated with his partner’s miscarriage. This substance and others, such as Ethylene oxide, the pesticide DBCP, and ionizing radiation can negatively affect human reproduction. They may adversely affect the male reproductive system, and sperm count, which can lead to infertility, miscarriage, or still birth.

In addition to problems from chemical exposure at work, when a male ingests cocaine before conception, the cocaine has been found to bind the sperm cells and thus expose the baby at fertilization and cause numerous problems.

http://www.otispregnancy.org/pdf/cocaine.pdf says

Is it a problem if the baby’s father is using cocaine
when I get pregnant?
Cocaine appears in the semen and may
reduce the number of sperm or increase the
number of abnormal sperm. This can result in
fertility problems. Cocaine binds to sperm.
Authors of one study suggested that delivery of
cocaine by the sperm to the egg might be
associated with developmental problems. No birth
defects have been identified as a direct result of
paternal exposure to cocaine. However, the safest
approach is for a man to avoid cocaine use three
months prior to conception when sperm are

Answer by ERICA L
listen to me any drugs in either parent can hurt the baby but as long as he has no drug addiction and this was a fluccky thing te baby will be okay the babies are stronger then you think. if he is an addict or uses more then a few time a year you need to tell your dr and get the baby tested, you need tio talk to bf and see what the story is,


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