Substance Abuse : How to Spot Signs of Cocaine Use

Substance Abuse : How to Spot Signs of Cocaine Use
Signs of cocaine use include frequent sniffing, runny noses, frequent nose bleeds, bloodshot eyes, sweating, rapid speaking and changes in eating behaviors. …


23 Responses to “Substance Abuse : How to Spot Signs of Cocaine Use”

  • mark thompson:

    . the people who make this stuff mix coca leaves with kerosene and other
    toxic chemicals. you don’t wanna touch anything from those illegal cocaine
    factories made in south america. i’d never go past weed

  • Allen Salden:

    THE REV SHOW PSA…are any of your co workers or loved ones hitting up the
    coke!? Find out yourself.?

  • Acamp bell:

    i have 2 coworkers who go through an 8-ball of beth every 3-4 days. I
    suppose they’re just doing it and not actually addicted though, because you
    said so.

  • strek0655:

    Sorry Kim Makoi, but you are NOT a certified Doctor!

  • americaneagle1967:

    Ley98 it could be meth,but she keeps a running nose and stiffles 24/7 and
    is up for days,when she does sleep its for like 24 hrs straight

  • HondurasHD:

    Is funny how cocaine users have any excuse to justify is use, but someday
    we will pay the price of our actions, that is for sure.

  • whitesongs73:

    @Boote99 l I agree with you. I think that quitting for good is a problem
    for many.

  • cripbuddz:

    @Lolololsomeguy hahaha. funny guy

  • mmamolina:

    @HondurasHD cocaine is an effective and cost efficient general anesthetic.
    Yes. people pay the price for the harm they do to THEMSELVES. If they hurt
    any third parties, then that is when they should be punished.

  • ATY9Productions:

    i’ve been addicted to coke for years. I just can’t stop consuming it. There
    have been interventions and rehab visits. I mean, it even got to the point
    where I use it out of glass bottles. I’ve even switched over to diet/
    caffeine free, to slowly ween myself off. Just talking about it is
    reminding me of those little fizzy bubbles…

  • whitesongs73:

    @Tozzmozz Not even Diet? LOL

  • Austin Startup:

    @WeSmokeTheGanja Amen! there are many recreational users that have lots
    self control and know what they are doing.

  • karimmaged90:

    how long does it take to be a cocaine addict

  • mmamolina:

    @mjjcng8958 Hallucinations??? That is factually incorrect. Yes, it may
    contain more tar, but the “tar” is rly the oils from the plant. It just so
    happens that the oils in marijuana are different than those in tobacco.
    tobacco tar has nicotine and other carcinogens. Marijuana tar does not.

  • Jordan Snyder:

    wait a minute, sniffling and runny nose, sudden bursts of energy followed
    by periods of longer than usual sleep, stealing, financial problems. I’ve
    got it! ALL mischevious jobless teens with allergies must be using cocaine!!

  • messy24jessy:

    Love me my white girl 3,

  • LadyofWar1980:

    I knew a guy that had the worst studder when he got geeked up on powder. It
    was hilarious!

  • Anthony Albert:

    Stealing and doin drugs are 2 different topics, Just because someone is on
    coke doesent mean they are gunna be a theif, I know people who spend 500
    bucks a week on powder and they dont steal it

  • dan ley:

    Thats scary that your wife might be on it. She could be on meth which is
    even worse then coke. Cocaine generally dosent keep you up for days on end
    so it might be meth. I would really look into the matter. Either one of
    those drugs are from the devil. I wish you luck


    @lunchboxgarcia LOL MAN ! You are only trusting your own dreams. Wine isn’t
    made out of javel, sulfuric acid nor kerosene. (Neither is Rhum says my
    psychological mate)


    @lunchboxgarcia LOL MAN ! You are only trusting your own dreams. Wine isn’t
    made out of javel, sulfuric acid nor kerosene. (Neither is Rhum says my
    psychological mate)

  • HondurasHD:

    @sixksense You are totally right, I apologize for being stupid.

  • hippie2152:

    @jmh40831 I’m the same way dude. Shit, I’m wired right now.