What Are the Negative Consequencez of Using Cocaine?

Question by KaSkAdE: What are the negative consequencez of using cocaine?
what does it do to people after they use it for awahile…can a person get lostt in cocaine?

Best answer:

Answer by Sean
You WILL become a low life crackhead or cokehead on the streets. What are you going to do for money? Once you get too deep you will not be able to work and you will have to steal, which will lead you to jail. Also you will hang around nothing but druggie fools who will rob beat and steal from you.

What are the positive consequences of cocaine? A good feeling? SMH

Answer by UCSteve
Crack Cocaine in particular is extremely addictive and will turn your life into a living hell.


2 Responses to “What Are the Negative Consequencez of Using Cocaine?”

  • Helter Skelter:

    you screw up your nose big time, start to lose your looks, become completely agitated when there’s no coke and you’re in withdrawal, loss of appetite, dry throat, death, etc…not really a great drug. i wouldn’t say you get lost in it, but you’ll get pulled toward it and want more and more despite whatever negative consequences are occurring to you. blowing blood out of your nose first thing in the morning isn’t quite fun…

  • Kiku Himura:

    well, its only good for the first few minutes, than after that, your life goes downhill fast.

    do you want quick happiness that will only stay for a few minutes, or a lifetime of happiness full of people who love you and a good job that pays well?

    stay in school and don’t do drugs. the key to a happy life 😀