What Does Cocaine Feel Like?

Question by Svetlana Korichnevyia: What does cocaine feel like?
Can someone tell ne in detail what a cocaine high is like? Does anyone have experiences?? This is for educational purposes thanks (:

Best answer:

Answer by Professor Oak
Cocaine causes your brain to release large amounts of dopamine, you feel very talkative and very confident in all of your actions. Good cocaine makes parts of your body go numb, a “tingling” sensation.

Keep in mind that once this dopamine is used up you experience a “comedown”. You feel sad / depressed for “no reason”. Often times it is the comedown that causes users to seek out more cocaine.

Of course, reactions vary from person to person, and by tolerance levels. People who do cocaine often do not experience severe comedowns.

Cocaine is HIGHLY addictive and horrible for you. Also, see source.

Answer by ponyobaby
Varies with dose and the tolerance of the user. Increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become extremely antisocial and aggressive.

Increases heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and sweating. Increases speed of respiration, dilates the pupils, decreased sleep and appetite. Can decrease seizure threshold and is associated with seizures, strokes, and heart attacks in susceptible individuals.

Agitation, hostility, hallucinations, convulsions, high body temperature (hyperthermia), stroke, heart attack, and possibly death.

People with latent congenital heart defects, high blood pressure, or thyroid problems are at higher risk of dangerous reactions and heart failure with the recreational use of cocaine.


2 Responses to “What Does Cocaine Feel Like?”

  • toxdoc333:

    Having interviewed many dozen cocaine addicts there are several subjective things they often report. Cocaine makes them feel: like everything is great. They feel “good” in the sense of no doubts, worries pass quickly, they are confident and feel as though they could do anything. Perceptually, things seem “sharper” and they think they observe more things than before. Although some visual sensory experiences are enhanced, appetite is suppressed and while sex lasts longer (longer stamina for men), many people report it feels different (hard to interpret this). Overall, almost all cocaine users report that the effects are great. So great that they want to do it again, and therein lies the problem.

    With the exception of very high doses that make you feel like your heart is going to burst through your chest wall because it is beating so hard and the potential panic that causes, this is a drug that by all accounts makes you feel so good that when you are not on it, everything seems rather dull and boring. What’s the solution to that bored state? You use more cocaine. This cycle of drug seeking continues to escalate until you are doing coke all the time. It starts to run your life. Then as tolerance develops to the pleasurable effects of the drug, you need more cocaine to get any effect. If you stop using, you crash. This is a period of depression, self doubt, concern, soul-searching and exhaustion (if you can guess what the solution is your are catching on the the web of addiction). People can rationalize and justify the use of cocaine easily because it is so enjoyable at first. That’s the problem. The effects change your brain and behavior and eventually you are addicted to a drug that is harmful at so many levels.

    Although you did not ask about the neuropharmacology of cocaine, just the subjective feeling it produces, you might be interested in reading about the neurochemical effects this drug on nigro-striatal dopamine reward pathways in the brain on any number of websites or textbooks (The Biology of Addiction by C. Erickson ;or similar texts)

  • ?????:

    its makes you feel super good,makes u SUPER confident and euphoric and alert..u wake up BIG TIME..thats it..it might not seem much but that feeling feels soooooooooooooooooo good…i think that drug is one of the most mentally addictive ones out there…