What Does It Feel Like to Do Cocaine and Heroin?
Question by Melissa J: what does it feel like to do cocaine and heroin?
I’m not actually going to try this, so don’t worry. I’m writing a report on the effects of heroin and cocaine. I know about the long-term effects and all of that, but not what it actually feels like while you’re on the drugs, and I want to include the immediate effects of them in my report, not just the after-effects.
So if you’ve ever tried them, or know someone who has, please let me know. It would be very helpful for my report.
Best answer:
Answer by Emerald Eyes
I would suggest you research this on Google carefully, making sure the sites you visit are reputable. For example, forums for people who use these drugs, hospital websites, medical websites, and perhaps organizations like Narcotics Anonymous or equivalent.
For a report, especially if you are going to be graded for this, I highly suggest that you do at least a little of the research yourself, if only for practice.
Edit: bear in mind the immediate and side effects may be different for each person, even if only slightly. You have to take into account their history of use, the “quality” of the drug (it’s purity), whether they are taking any other drugs, even prescribed drugs, that kind of thing.
Best of luck!
Answer by Cassie T
ive a friend who did cocaine…
he said he went almost obsessive compulsive and had to clean clean clean while he was messed up
that or he humped like a rabbit..humped wasnt the word he used but …lol
and he also said being on cocaine made for the best sex ever…as good as or better than sex on ecstasy
In what form? Snorting – numbness in nasal cavity and throat, makes heart beat fast(er) and keeps ya awake. Cocaine use over years of abuse, can cause paranoia. You looking for a night out use or addiction? Herion? I have no idea, is the most addictive, next to cigarettes, and have never tried.
Don’t know about long term affects because I stopped a long time ago and I only did heroin once(smoked it…no needles) Coke makes you feel amped. It’s very “speedy”. Your mind races a mile a minute and if you do too much it feels like you may have a heart attack.Plus there is the numbing feeling. Anything the coke touches goes numb for a little while.