What Is Penal Code11377a My Friend Is Charged With This and I Wanna Know What This Is?
Question by bogie: what is penal code11377a my friend is charged with this and i wanna know what this is?
Best answer:
Answer by renegade
Possession of a controlled substance non felony.
Answer by laughter_every_day
11377 HS is possession of “Dangerous drugs” such as PCP, LSD, Ketamine and Methamphetamine. This offense can be a felony or misdemeanor. (Sentence for possession charges range from fines, probation and jail to diversion).
That is from California Health and Safety code. I don’t know what state you are in and so it might be completely different. In fact, as you call it “penal code” and Calif has no such section within its penal code, I suspect either you got it wrong or you are not in Calif.