What Is the Average Purity of Cocaine These Days?

Question by Kevin D55: what is the average purity of cocaine these days?
just out of curiousity, what is the AVERAGE quality of cocaine?

and what is the purity if “high quality” cocaine?

and no i dont do drugs so enough with the lecturing and accusations.
wow. stingjam. you SEEM a little UPTIGHT to ME.

Best answer:

Answer by JAMES11A
Depends on how far down the food chain you are.

Answer by RedMan
Around 85%


3 Responses to “What Is the Average Purity of Cocaine These Days?”

  • Diamond:

    It depends but usually its cut up with alot of $ hit.

    Unless ur getting straight from the source chances are its not that strong

  • Joey P:

    Not high enough, at least the stuff I’ve been getting lately.

  • River Euphrates:

    AVERAGE cocaine is like… ‘decent’ and it’ll ‘get you off’…

    But “high quality” cocaine is like… ‘HOLY F**K’ and ‘OH YEAH BABY!!!!’