What Iz 20 Facts About Cocaine?

Question by Dexter_23: what iz 20 facts about cocaine?
what iz 20 facts about cocaine

Best answer:

Answer by tash42
20 facts about cocaine?

1. It’s a Class A drug in the UK, possession means 7yrs in jail.
2. It’s also called coke, Charlie, white, snow, sniff and toot.
3. The snorting kind is Cocaine Hydrochloride (Hcl).
4. If you properly react Cocaine Hcl with an alkaline base (e.g. baking soda), it is called freebasing and you end up with crack cocaine.
5. Crack cocaine gives you a much more intense, but shorter, high.
6. Crack cocaine is much more addictive.
7. Some say a good test of the quality of cocaine is how numb it makes you (your nose/face/gums, if rubbed on them).
8. Sometimes, baby numbing powder is mixed in with cocaine to fool the buyer for this reason.
9. When combined with alcohol, it reacts to form cocatheylene.
10. Cocaethylene is highly toxic to the liver, much worse then alcohol or cocaine on themselves, and can mean instant death.
11. Most deaths from cocaine overdoses involved alcohol as well.
12. 1 gram costs about £20 – £40 in London.
13. Persistent use can wear away the nose tissue.
14. Cocaine can also be cut with sugar or starch.
15. It makes you euphoric, energetic, confident and talkative.
16. It also suppresses your appetite.
17. Some people experience a comedown after the high has worn off.
18. The high is short-lived, sometimes around 20 minutes.
19. Cocaine is sometimes lined inside a marijuana joint – this called a primo.
20. Cocaine can bring previous mental health problems to the surface.


Honey Cocaine – A Little Ham LYRICS
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