What Kind of Cocaine Is Smoked and What Kind Is Snorted?
Question by Destined2Die: What kind of cocaine is smoked and what kind is snorted?
Is crack cocaine the kind that is smoked? I mean, what kind of cocaine is smoked and what kind is snorted. Is the kind that is made on a stove the one that is snorted?
Best answer:
Answer by kritten
cocaine is snorted or injected. crack is the smokeable version.
Answer by Dat Chick
Cocaine snorted
They are the same. I mean they are rock cocaine and the powder cocaine. you can melt them and inject them however that is way worse and you can die faster. Maybe you should watch BLOW with Johnny Depp. I love that movie.
Cocaine in the salt (HCL) form is normally snorted, but it can be used orally and it can be dissolved in water and injected. Cocaine can be smoked, but its highly ineffective because it destroys most of the drug. Freebase cocaine is made for smoking, because it vaporizes at the right temperature. Making freebase cocaine is dangerous, so crack cocaine was invented. Crack cocaine is the one made on the stove (crack cocaine is freebased cocaine, just made with baking powder instead), and it is much less dangerous to make than freebase cocaine. Stay away from any coke though its addictive as hell and fucking expensive
Cocaine can be smoked not just as crack cocaine but also as freebase
you snort cocaine..
crack cocaine is smoked..
cocaine can be snorted or smoked freebase is only smoked…then theres crack which is just wack