Why Is Marijuana Use Considered to Increase the Symptoms of Schizophrenia More Than Cocaine and Other Drugs?

Question by Just Me: Why is marijuana use considered to increase the symptoms of schizophrenia more than cocaine and other drugs?
Please, no biased remarks. This is a medical/scientific question.

Cocaine increases dopamine levels drastically, and marijuana increases dopamine and makes it flow more freely through the brain. Note: Cocaine is highly addictive; marijuana …not really addictive. Why is marijuana reported to be much worse toward increasing the symptoms of schizophrenia compared to cocaine use?

Best answer:

Answer by Rose Hale
marijuana can make people super paranoid so maybe since schizophrenics can be really paranoid it just makes them worse. i also read that schizophrenics have extremely high dopamine levels so marijuana increases that and probably makes things worse for them.

Answer by Stylish
Marijuana more assessable to the masses than cocaine perhaps. Potentially more statistics and Research into impacts of weed on mental state. just guessing.


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