Withdrawl Form Cocaine?
Question by Jenna: Withdrawl form cocaine?
how long does it take to withdrawl from cocaine after 2 years of abuse?…and what are some symtpoms
Best answer:
Answer by Q
There’s the immediate withdrawal that takes a couple days. Then, there’s the 3 month mark. After 3 months, your brain will start rewiring and you’ll have an easier time staying away from it.
Answer by Zach Roloff (OFFICIAL)
cocaine is not phyisically addictive, you won’t have any withdrawl symptoms
give me thumbs down people
look it up
its not physically addictive
do some research before you run your mouths
from what i know of it….someone is probably going to need professional help to get off cocaine…the withdrawal makes them crave it really bad, they get mean when they cant get it…
cocaine is a hell of a drug, the immediate physical withdrawls that will make you sick if you are a hardcore user last only about a week, the next phase starts in early recovery only if you maintain abstinance this is called post acute withdrawl or PAW it can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, its symptoms are so various and widespread I cannot even begin to delve into them I suggest your research PAW online, as for cravings for the drug itself, triggered by memories or outside stimulus response these can last a lifetime and never go away, however it is possible to manage and control them through many ways such as aa, na, ca or any other anonymous group, treatment centers based on the wellness wheel model, psychological mind conditioning, counselling, and very rarely self will, they do get better and easier to deal with as time goes on