Would 100% Pure Cocaine Kill a Man?
Question by Goldfish: Would 100% pure Cocaine Kill a man?
ive heard form conuntless experienced cocaine users that cocaine is almost always cut down to 25-50% and anything above that is rare. now there are some that also claim that even just 2 lines of 100% pure cocaine HCL could kill a person do you guys agree?
Best answer:
Answer by hello_monstor
Answer by Max K
No. You need to distill the sap somehow to get the product out of the leaf to begin with. If you chemically took all compounds out to make it pure, it wouldn’t be snorted.
In other words, eat a bunch of leaves like S.American Highland Tribes do & see.
Who Gave The Baby Cocaine? (The Steve Wilkos Show)
From Feb. 6, 2013. Visit www.SteveWilkos.com for more videos!
Yes I do agree with you.I have a co-worker who was doing cocaine ,I just thought he was a drunk but come to find out he snorts coke also and shoots up. and he was taken by Squad last week for chest pains,he is lucky to be alive and a little or alot of coke will end up killing you at some point.
Any mix of any drug could kill a person. i would actually think that that cocaine that is cut would be more lethat just dur to the fact tat it could be cut with another drug and the two drugs could make one another more potent
Dead as a door nail.
Don’t use the crap…it gives a temporary High and then destroys your brains own ability to make Dopamine and Endorphins ( the feel good chemicals that are produced naturally in your brain)
So if it doesn’t kill ya one way , it will Kill you another
Bad stuff
Kinda like a “good looking hooker” with aids
Don’t believe it… read about it
No such thing as 100% pure cocaine it is cut and made with buffers to make it more potent.Other wise it is just a plant and isn’t very dangerous.Sometimes you get bad info from coke heads.
Why? Are you trying to off yourself? Street cocaine is indeed cut, and the mistake in overdosing is that the user misjudges or mistakens the percentage of cut. These idiots then use their “usual” dose — one or two lines , and bingo, it’s over. So, what he thought was x amount in two lines turned out to be 5x amount in those two lines. It ain’t the lines, hon, it’s what’s in them.