Archive for the ‘Illegal Drug Possession’ Category
Illegal Drug Possession: Can I Beat This Case?
Question by Joker: Can I beat this case?
My friend and I got arrested on my 18th birthday because he had his weed out and I was basicaly sleeping at the time when the cops even saw he had weed and he gets pulled out of the car and they find his weed he when asked he pointed his finger at me cause it was his 3rd possesion charge and we both go to jail. I might be guilty by being around it but i had no drugs or nothing like that around me or on me so how can they give me a possesion charge?
Best answer:
Answer by Bruce
If it was your car, or if you were the driver, then there is a legal principle called “constructive possession”. If something illegal is in an area controlled by you, and you know it is there, then you are considered in possession.
Could I Get in Trouble Too?
Question by Chris: Could i get in trouble too?
I’m in college and i live off campus. We have a building manager that lives right below us, but we dont have an “RA”. My roommates smoke weed and they most of the time have it in the room and have lots of paraphernalia( grinder, and other smoking devices). I used to smoke weed with them ( like twice a week tops), then the building manager called the cops and said he smelled smoke, cops came and searched the room( just looked around, they didnt open anything) and saw a bowl on the table and took it and said that someone would get arrested if they find more evidence. Then the cop left. This scared the crap out of me, so i dont smoke anymore, but my roommates still do but in the bathrooms now so you cant smell it outside in the hall. Now if the cops came back and they find that they are still smoking weed, could i get into trouble too? even if im not smoking or anywhere near the smoking when it happens
Isn’t possession 100% of the crime? And i would report them but its like 2 of my 3 roommates and i dont know what would happen to me if i did like what they might do to me.
Illegal Drug Possession: Marijuana??
Question by dewalt87: Marijuana??
Is it illigal in the state of Pennsylvania? And if you turn the person(s) in what will the cops do? Cause my boyfriend told me that if they arrest them they will arrest the other people in the same house that don’t do it, is that true?
Where can I get all the information I need on this subject??
My boyfriend does NOT do it! The other people in the house do.
Best answer:
Answer by jim_daddy_2000
To me pot, cigarettes & beer/wine (not hard stuff) the same. BUT, THAT IS NOT THE LAW
Contains anything you need to know about states current Marijuana Law.
2.Has your relationship or attempts to resolve the “Possession
issue” or “effects on the house or relationship ” gotten to the point that you would use the police to resolve this?
Illegal Drug Possession: What Happens if You Get Caught Rolling on Ecstasy During a Rave? or Anywhere, What Can a Cop Do?
Question by Omar Smg: What Happens If You Get Caught Rolling On Ecstasy During A Rave? Or Anywhere, What Can A Cop Do?
I Jst Want To Make Sure i Dont Get In tTrouble While Rolling At A Rave
Of Coarse Ive Rolled Before, Its Jst That The Other Night, While i Was At A Rave, i Saw A Security Come Up to This Girl Who Was Really Messed Up And He Took Her With HIm, What Happend?
And For Those Saying Im Too Old, Im Not Even 17 Yet, And Im Older Than A 14 Year Old, Dont Say Stuff Like “Drug-Free” Jst Answer The Question As Best Of Your Ability. Thanx
Best answer:
Answer by Hardboiled Gumshoe
Harsh your buzz, bigtime.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Related Illegal Drug Possession Information…
Illegal Drug Possession: Marilize Legajuana ;)?
Question by j3nn4 🙂: Marilize Legajuana ;)?
(Legalize Marijuana for those of you not too quick to catch on)
I’m 15. don’t say i’m too young or that my parents would be dissappointed, cause even though i don’t burn WITH them, my parents are fellow pot smokers 🙂
Here’s a blog that a friend of mine wrote, that i’d like to share with you.:
“1: Prohibiton has never worked. When you think about it, people have been purposly breaking the rules since Adam and Eve. Do not eat from the tree of knowlage. Who was watching them? God. How many people was he watching? Two. And from then on, people have never and never will stop breaking the rules/laws.
Recreational Use of Pot?
Question by DANNY D: Recreational use of Pot?
I wanted to hear what some people thought on the subject of marijuana. I think that it isn’t a bad thing to do, if its done in moderation (kind of like drinking)….I don’t think any of these things should be done if you’re going to be driving, or if you’re pregnant or something like that, basically if you’re responsible when you do it. I feel like a lot of people are against it simply b/c it’s illegal and the law/government makes it seem worse than it really is. I heard that it is illegal simply b/c hemp is made from the same plant, and hemp was a rival to cotton, which the US was the major distributor of…and basically to keep down the competition they didn’t want to legalize it. Let me know your thoughts.
Best answer: