Bankers Getting a Legal High From the Authorities’ Unwillingness to Prosecute – Irish Times

Bankers getting a legal high from the authorities’ unwillingness to prosecute – Irish Times

Bankers getting a legal high from the authorities' unwillingness to prosecute
Irish Times
The law against marijuana was lifted in Colorado on January 1st, bringing possession of a $ 10 bag of pot into the same category as laundering hundreds of millions for drugs lords. That is, no prosecutions. The no-prosecution policy for banks

Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News


Cops: He Sold Drugs in a Parking Lot with a Baby in His Car –

Cops: He Sold Drugs in a Parking Lot with a Baby in His Car
A search of Graves and the car turned up 60 grams of cocaine in powder form and another 30 grams of crack cocaine. Police also seized $ 2,000 from Graves, and they will ask a court to have it forfeited as an asset police can use for drug law enforcement 

Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News


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