Drug Possession: Can a Simple Possession Charge From 26 Years Ago Prevent Me From Getting a Government Job?
Question by Tumblebug: Can a simple possession charge from 26 years ago prevent me from getting a government job?
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Depends on your state statutes
Not if you have received a pardon for it. I really don’t know where you live and Yahoo! Answers is probably not the best place to be posting these kinds of questions, because you are in one country asking for advice and you are about to receive answers from all kinds of people from all over the world. Please remember that laws vary greatly from one country to another and from one region to another. I would very strongly urge you to talk to a lawyer or an attorney about this and what the local policies are regarding having your criminal record removed. In Canada, you can definitely apply for a pardon for a criminal record after a certain length of time, but the website I got this information from is only applicable to Canadian residents. Again, you should contact your attorney regarding this issue.
Best of wishes in your quest for employment.
Yes, it probably can. What do you mean “simple possession?” What was the substance you possessed?
Drug charges are serious, and are considered so by the federal government. State governments also consider them serious. The charge might be simple possession, but to get the drug you had to comit a crime, which you had to know was a crime.
If you were not convicted you might be able to have your recore expunged.
Good Luck