Felony Drug Possession: First Time Offender – Prison Time?

Question by Darlene: First time offender – prison time?
I have a friend who’s 19 years old and just got arrested for the first time as an adult for drug possession. He was smoking pot on the beach with some friends at night and got caught. Like I said this is his first adult offense. He’s been arrested multiple times as a minor for drug dealing/distribution, breaking and entering, and theft. He’s had to pay alot of fines and was on probation. He wasn’t on probation during this recent offense. Is it possible for him to be imprisoned over this?

Best answer:

Answer by Liam
Hi friend, nice stop off for 2 extra points bye!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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4 Responses to “Felony Drug Possession: First Time Offender – Prison Time?”

  • Starlord:

    You friend is a slow learner, eh? If his juvenile arrests for drugs haven’t made him stop, I hope this does, and yes, he can be sentenced to at least a year, maybe more.

  • Tatianna:

    Its unfortunate thing to have happen to him but due to his past history he may get the full penalty for drug possession. His past history clearly shows his inability to make wise choices/decisions so i hope that this smartens him up. If he does not change his ways after this scare then he is screwed.

  • jl:

    If we are lucky. Your friend is too stupid to be on the streets.

  • Diana B:

    I wish people who wrote these “what will his/my sentence be” questions would start to include where they writing from.

    Honestly, do they believe that the laws are the same everywhere?

    Also, if you’re going to mention a law being broken, you need to do a better job than say “drug possession”. There are typically many different variations of a particular area of crime. (in at least some states like NY, most MJ offenses are grouped apart from “controlled substance” offenses, which include sale and possession of pills and narcotics.)

    Also, you’ve said nothing about your friend’s history other than calling him “First time offender” which is clearly wrong.

    “He’s been arrested multiple times as a minor for drug dealing/distribution, breaking and entering, and theft.”

    what matters is conviction, not arrest.

    “He’s had to pay alot of fines and was on probation. ”

    Then he was convicted and sentence, so he’s definitely NOT a first time offender. He may have been underage when he was arrested (or convicted) but 1) your state may have complicated rules about what juvenile records get sealed and when and 2) your friend may have been convicted as an adult despite his age. In NYS you can only get “Youthful Offender” Treatment once for either a misdemeanor and a felony; you can’t get it at all for a misdemeanor if you already have one as a felon – get the drift? It’s complicated.

    “s it possible for him to be imprisoned over this?”

    sure, when you give a better description of what “this” is.