Gold Coast Police Kick Down the Doors of the Innocent.

Illegal Drug Possession: Gold Coast Police Kick Down The Doors of the innocent.

Qld Police have been caught red handed once again. Unlawful warrants and searches, sounds like Nazi Germany or the USA.

Related Illegal Drug Possession Information…

22 Responses to “Gold Coast Police Kick Down the Doors of the Innocent.”

  • AustinPetDetective:

    I have more respect for COCKROACHES than that QLD Police its? that simple !!!!!.

  • Jason Brown:

    what goes around comes back around, basic law of the universe its called karma. these thugs will? pay.

  • Digitactics:

    I love guys like this. He does what needs to be done, damned the consequences.? I really hope the other cops who have the goodness in them (that’s why you joined the force in the first time, right? To help those in need?) stand up.

  • omly85:

    At least it’s heartening to? know there are good cops out there trying act lawfully.

  • Stu Tube:

    Move? on people nothing new here been goin on for years

  • goldprospectorjapan:

    Search, Facebook ; Anonymous Queensland Australia Detective Paul Wilson. Go into the pictures scroll down & Read the complaint. That is the extent of criminal corruption in the QLD POLICE it percolates down from the TOP Office. All of that complaint is sworn testimony & will be used in court. QLD Police making Death Threats to Doctors of the Victims of attempted murder by QLD cops. If your concerned about the QLD Justice system & You should be, buy a Handgun &? make your own Justice.

  • artillery boy:

    Highly doubt that? will occur. There are more people in my street that would be better candidates for corrupt police to frame for illegal drug possession.

  • XMarkDemon:

    You can believe all you want, but that won’t save you when the corrupt ones come to your door and say that they found? drug on your premisses.
    As I previously said, at least the Gangs and Criminals are honest about what they are fighting for.

  • artillery boy:

    I believe that cops are generally normal people. I believe that here in Australia or at least in NSW the cops are not corrupt. I believe that they are there to enforce the law and that most cops are not their on their own personal agenda such as to be corrupt and fight against what they say they? are fighting for and that is justice. There may be a few bad cops but that’s probably just 2% of the police population in Australia, I highly doubt that a huge percentage of cops are corrupt.

  • XMarkDemon:

    At least gangs and criminals? are honest about what they are fighting for. Power and Money.

  • artillery boy:

    Seriously though, why would you say i should broaden my views in terms of cops, Other people shouldnt be calling all cops pigs and treat them all badly, thy should open their views. I know there are some bad cops out there but i highly doubt that they are a large percentage of the serving police population. Dont comment on my education because it hasnt finished yet but it? is a good education. Please explain your comment better i just cant comprehend why you would say that about me.

  • artillery boy:

    what the hell is all this. I? have an education, Why the hell would you say i dont. Its offensive and dont talk to me like that. What i dont understand is why people treat all cops like crap. The fact is one bad cop will spoil the rests reputation and that is what i dislike, how people will treat cops badly because of that. Im talking in general about the cops, they are generally good and help serve our country well. I dont know what your going on about in terms of “broadning my views”.

  • Ray Beckler:

    what i would suggest to you that you get yourself the? training program of police in which ever state you are in and then read the oath they take as PUBLIC SERVANTS in our constitution to serve and to protect. not to act as policy enforcers of corporate laws and governments. find yourself some education,dont have a tunnel vision,broaden your views. and if you do find the police training program,it wont have in it the “dead men dont talk” principles in is implied on them verbally.

  • Ray Beckler:

    absolutely. ? sums it all up.

  • Ray Beckler:

    its not just the QLD cops that are coorupt.its all of australia. its just that QLD people are more laid laymans terms, the government of QLD changed the constitution and took away the queens representative the governer general and put the premier of QLD in charge after the queen and still to this day not many QLD`ers know or care of their civil rights and common laws taken away from them illegally without a referandum. for heavens sake we are? governed by FASCISTS. wake up people…….

  • scottydmac:

    i have one brief statement to? formally issue to you, fuck you! shitheaded currupt cunts, more specifically, fuck the police

  • FLEKK222:

    It won’t stop you know the corruption, what is with the personal attacks stay on? topic and remember if you cant’t debate in the conventional way then become an Australian polly then you can yell and scream all you want

  • smegmacheese69:

    @alterboy1 shut the fuck up, u are either a pig or a pig lover.? Did you want to lube up your ass so the pigs can snake your shit tube with their battons? cocksucker?

  • mryellow123:

    QLD CID is the source for a lot of the drugs on the coast. The dealers are really interested whenever there is a major import bust because it tells them what brand pills they’ll be getting? next month.

  • mryellow123:

    QLD CID is the source for a lot of the drugs on the coast. The dealers are really interested whenever there is a major import bust because it tells them what brand pills they’ll be getting next? month.

  • mryellow123:

    QLD CID is the? source for a lot of the drugs on the coast. The dealers are really interested whenever there is a major import bust because it tells them what brand pills they’ll be getting next month.

  • thehushman:

    If you? haven’t noticed this is a video about police corruption. I don’t blindly respect authority figures like police, and police don’t always give the respect other people deserve (being treated like a criminal without merit happens far to often.). FYI I’m from Manly; we had cops here selling drugs, robbing people, etc. which wasn’t exposed early on (before it became a serious problem) because generally people think cops are all righteous and do no wrong.