Is It Worth to Hiring a Lawyer for the Shoplifting Case?

Question by Hkj F: Is it worth to hiring a lawyer for the shoplifting case?
I am 20, and was caught shoplifting for 150 dollars of merchandises. I had a clean record until that, and I live in Georgia. Can I get a lawyer to talk to the district attorney maybe to drop the charge? Or get a w/e minimum outcome? Please, I need help. How much will it cost to hire a decent lawyer to work on my case and go to the court with me?

Best answer:

Answer by Hawk I
They can charge $ 200 per hour.

Get a lawyer but try to do most of the work yourself. Get yourself into therapy and find out why the urge is there. Then convince the judge that this was a random act that you now have under control through therapy.

You need to understand why the urge is there, from childhood problems, and how you can rid yourself of this urge.

No consumer goods is worth your self esteem and reputation. I think you know this now. You can find a way out of this.

Good luck!

Answer by aROD
honestly your better off saving your money. appear at all your court dates. at your pre trial they will ask you for your plea. plead not guilty. they will reschedule you. once youve been rescheduled this is when you will see if you get lucky or not. if the d.a. has all their witnesses and officers present they will let the judge know the state is ready. if they say this when they ask you. ask the judge to change your plea to no contest. right there your allowing the judge to make his decission as to what punishment is necessary. believe me with no priors and for a misdemeanor theft youl be alright probably just community service hours. now if the state is not ready on your trial date then you just got off scot free. but remember now the store is going to sue you civally. normally 200 dollars worth for you to settle with them. just pay that with the money you saved yourself on an attorney


4 Responses to “Is It Worth to Hiring a Lawyer for the Shoplifting Case?”

  • genuwine rob:

    Get a layer or you will get peeled!!!!!!

  • caliandmichaelsmom:

    Lawyers are very expensive. It’s a shoplifting charge since it’s your first offense you may just get a fine or have to pay restitution, maybe probation or community service. I wouldn’t waste the money on a lawyer.

  • DesiDani:

    The cost of a lawyer will out weigh the fines that you will occur.

  • Bryan G:

    Don’t bother with a lawyer, too much money, besides they won’t be able to do much for you.

    I don’t mean to preach but….. come on man, your 20 knock it off – sheesh

    Good luck bud