Legal Cocaine Substitute?

Question by Bryan: Legal cocaine substitute?
So I’ve recently had to quit cocaine due to a hair follicle drug test I have coming up in a few months. I’m not a heavy user and in fact I only do it when I’m drinking. The problem is that if I drink without it I get ridiculously stupid sloppy drunk. Does anyone know of something that’ll keep me going like cocaine does? I don’t even need a similar high, just something that will enable me to drink all night w/o falling off like a lightweight. For example, has anyone in the same situation tried caffiene pills? SOmething like that. Thanks for the assist.
Thanks, Danny…I’m def on top of the shaving however they can and will take the hair from any part of the body…arms, legs, what have you, so it’s kind of a crap shoot. I’ll try those things, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Love.Canada
how sad are you…

Answer by Danny
If you have a hair follicle test coming up make sure to shave your head. Any hair that grew while you were using cocaine will test positive for cocaine, regardless of how long it has been since you used cocaine.

You might be able to get the same effect with heavy doses of caffeine, ephedra, or even pseudophedrine (Sudafed).


Cocaine Mummies of Ancient Egypt
Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact.


2 Responses to “Legal Cocaine Substitute?”

  • Lava:

    Not getting sloppy, stupid drunk isn’t an option? Because most people don’t do coke so they can drink more, they just drink less.

  • OmegaG:

    Damn man I feel your pain….The news says that bath salts are the substitute for coke, they also say ppl are eating others on that stuff…I don't know never tried it..I'd just quit for a while, that's just me tho…good luck buddy…