My Younger Sister Does Cocaine?

Question by erica: My younger sister does cocaine?
My younger sister does cocaine.. She wont listen to me at all.. I wanna know what Can i give her to eat or drink.. So it wont affect her system as much?? .. HELP

Best answer:

Answer by me
Water is the best thing you can give her. Also you can’t control her but you can sit her down and tell her why it’s dangerous and if you know anyone who’s ODed mention it….if she’s in her earlier teen years tell your parents

Answer by Katie
You really need to tell someone right away. It may get her in a bit of trouble but she needs to stop and the sooner the better. Cocaine is highly addictive and she needs to get help before it spirals out of control. Please. Get her help.


2 Responses to “My Younger Sister Does Cocaine?”


    thumbs down take her to rehab recommended as fast as possible 🙁

  • NocturnalMistress:

    Cocaine is cocaine, no matter what item of food or drink you have in your system. Get your sister the PROPER help she needs – like telling a trusted adult and getting her medical attention before it is too late!

    My favorite musician passed away from prolongued cocaine usage and alcoholism 3 years ago!