Whats Worse Crack or Cocaine?

Question by pooksmunch: whats worse crack or cocaine?
since crack comes from cocaine, does it make it equally dangerous?

Best answer:

Answer by Dalton
Don’t do either and you will never have health problems.

Answer by Westcoastnative
Crack by far.


One Response to “Whats Worse Crack or Cocaine?”

  • Angel S:

    crack cocaine is worse. it is the 2nd highest addictive drug in the nation. your hooked on the very first hit. addiction to crack leads you into a downward spiral, and it is very difficult to break free from the addiction. I know others that have been brought down from a decent lifestyle to homeless all because of crack. cocaine is very addictive as well, and both can cause serious health problems and in some cases instant death by heart attack on the first hit. take my advise and don’t do it. Join my group if you want to talk more about any narcotic drugs.